Junior Magazine Interview
Founder and children’s skin care expert Tania Rodney spoke to Bonita Turner at Junior magazine about creating Dandydill Way, read the full interview here.

When a high profile make-up artist turns her hands to children beauty you just know its going to be special - we found out more when we chatted to the woman behind Dandydill Way.
Have you discovered Dandydill Way yet? This newcomer to the children bath time beauty shelf is simple, effective and almost a little too elegant for just the kids. Us grown-ups have been sucked in to the charms of Dandydill Way too.
Created by high profile celebrity make-up artist Tania Rodney Dandydill Way it's a culmination of Tania’s experience both as a make-up artist and as a mum. Made to take special care of muddy knees, smudged faces and tangled hair inspired by childhood freedom and potential, captured in beautiful design that wouldn't look amiss in any instagram-styled bathroom.