WFH During School Holidays

WFH During School Holidays

WFH and parneting during the school holidays

Parents are constantly juggling demands on their precious time, especially when trying to combine work with childcare. Throw school holidays into the mix and the pressure of working from home can create an extra layer of guilt. Here are some suggestions for fun activities that will buy you precious quiet time at home with children indoors...

  • Yoga is the perfect way to blend exercise with calming relaxation. With Cosmic Kids Yoga you can also secretly introduce younger children to mindfulness.
  • Sneak in some reading practice with Teach Your Monster, it's a well designed resource that they'll enjoy so much they won't even notice they're learning.
  • You might not want to switch on the tv but they'll find all their favourite characters at CBeebies games for online fun.
  • We love Whizz Pop Bang magazine. They have free online resources, should you trust your children to perform science experiments at home.
  • For culture vultures, big and small, many of the world's greatest museums and galleries have collections, special exhibitions and performances online.
  • Tate Britain's online gallery includes a 12 virtual room Walk Through British Art.
  • The Royal Academy's Family How To section is a treasure trove of inspiring ideas. The 2020 blockbuster Picasso and Paper exhibition is the basis for a video exploration hosted by curator Anne Dumas which gives a fascinating insight into his methods of working.

If you have any tips to buy guilt-free time for parents, leave a comment or hit us up on instagram and we'll share them. 

Lastly.... remember how all this WFH thing began? Here's something you should never try at home, even if you're an astrophysicist (especially if you're an astrophysicist; in which case stick to putting up shelves)...

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